Sponsor a "Castaway"
As you know Castaway Critters doesn't turn their backs on the hard cases. We welcome them with open arms. Because of this we sometimes end up with the "hard to adopt" critters. These animals have been with us for extended periods of time. Sometimes this is due to severe medical conditions and/or behavioral issues. All of these animals deserve love and care. In order to provide this ongoing care
We have also started the “Lonely Barks Club”, which are dogs that ARE up for adoption and have been with us for years but have never had anyone fill out an adoption application for them. So we decided to try and make them feel wanted and added them to our sponsorship program, with the hope that one of you will show them some love until they get a home of their own.
Then we have dogs that are sadly not adoptable due to severe medical conditions and in some cases, severe emotional distress and are not able to leave our facility. As much as we want all of our dogs to get a home of their own, it is simply and sadly, not possible.